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Catholic Connection – Dec 9, 2022 – Hour 2

EWTN’s Doug Keck brings us the latest about special programming on the network. Fr. Robert McTeigue has a new book, “Christendom Lost and Found.”



Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 2 – The Inside Word @ EWTN
Doug Keck is EWTN’s President and Chief Operating Officer. He joins us to share the latest news regarding EWTN’s TV and radio programming.

Doug Keck
President & COO, EWTN


Visit the website for EWTN



Segment 3 – Fact Check Friday
Teresa discusses the recent revelations with Twitter and Election Interference.


Segment 4 – Christendom Lost and Found: Meditations for a Post Post-Christian Era
“Inspired by Saint Augustine’s The City of God, Christendom Lost and Found is an on-the-scene account of a cleric and scholar facing the accelerating convulsions of the West and of the Church, offering us insights, corrective guidance, and reasons for hope. Anyone who knows he has a debt to pay to the Christian past and the Christian future will benefit from this book.”

Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J., is a member of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus. He has lectured worldwide on philosophy and theology. A member of the National Ethics Committee of the Catholic Medical Association, he is host and producer of the radio show The Catholic Current on the Station of the Cross.


The book: Christendom Lost and Found: Meditations for a Post Post-Christian Era




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