Catholic Connection – Nov 15, 2023 – Hr 1
Guest host Vanessa Denha Garmo fills in for Teresa. Randy Hodge will be ordained a Deacon in January in the Diocese of Grand Rapids. He is with us today to share the story of this journey.
Segment 1 – Intro and News
Segment 2 – Vanessa’s Marvelous Monologue
Segment 3 & 4 – Randy Hodge is becoming a Deacon in January
Randy Hodge will be ordained a Deacon in January in the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Randy is the principal at St. Patrick High School in Portland, Michigan. When he applied to the program, the Diocese received a letter signed by the entire staff of St. Pats recommending him. He recently won an award from the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools (MANS) conference. He received the Sr. Dorita Wotiska Faith-filled Administrator Award. This award recognizes an administrator who demonstrates the very best in faith-based education and is recognized as a servant leader in their building and in the broader education field.