Catholic Connection – Nov 14, 2022 – Hour 1
Guest host Vanessa Denha Garmo speaks with Dr. Andre Villeneuve who previews his upcoming “Why Be Catholic?” talk tomorrow night in Livonia. (The first half of the hour was a rerun due to technical problems.)
Segment 1 & 2 – “Why Be Catholic?” with Dr. Andre Villeneuve
Dr. Andre Villeneuve will be speaking tomorrow night at 7pm in the cafeteria at St. Michael’s in Livonia. “With a spiritual journey beginning as a Canadian Catholic school boy, progressing to an agnostic jazz saxophonist in Austria in his 20’s, to an evangelical assisting war refugees in Croatia and Bosnia, to a serious Old Testament student in Jerusalem working with the Messianic Jewish movement, Dr. Villeneuve shares his international reversion story – all leading back to his rediscovery of his Catholic roots.”

Dr. Andre Villeneuve is an accomplished Catholic theologian, Bible scholar and Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.