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Catholic Connection – August 24, 2023 – Hr 2

Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. talks with Teresa about a Catholic orchard owner who won a court case against the city barring him from a farmer’s market. Kelly Salomon with the Newman Guide’s college search handbook.




Segment 1 – Intro and News 


Segment 2 & 3 – Cultural Connection with Fr. Mitch
Catholic orchard owner speaks out after court win over liberal city that barred him from farmer’s market

Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., Senior Fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, is a Jesuit priest, President and Founder of Ignatius Productions, world renowned lecturer, spiritual director for over fifty Holy Land pilgrimages, and EWTN host of television and radio shows.  An accomplished biblical scholar and apologist, Father Pacwa, S.J. earned his Ph.D. in the Old Testament from Vanderbilt University. He also holds a Master of Divinity and S.T.B. from the Jesuit School of Theology at Loyola University. He speaks 12 languages, including Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Koine Greek.


Segment 4 – Publisher of Newman Guide Releases 2023-24 Edition of College Search Handbook
“The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) is thrilled to release the 2023-24 edition of My Future, My Faith, a full-color, 40-page handbook to help Catholic families navigate the search for faithful Catholic colleges. It includes advice on how to make a good campus visit, how to pay for college, and so much more!”  Kelly Salomon joins us.

Kelly Salomon is the Vice President of Newman Guide Programs for the Cardinal Newman Society.






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