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Catholic Connection – August 9, 2023 – Hr 2

Reaction from Issue 1 failing in Ohio yesterday with Beth Vanderkooi and Kristan Hawkins. Joan Lewis has the latest Vatican news. Bishop Michael Duca talks about the late Fr Mark Beard from Baton Rouge.




Segment 1 – Ohio Rejects Initiative to Change Amendment Process, Easing the Way For Abortion Referendum

Beth Vanderkooi is the Executive Director of Greater Columbus Right to Life.


Ohio Rejects Initiative to Change Amendment Process, Easing the Way For Abortion Referendum





Segment 2 – National Implications of Issue 1 Failing in Ohio

As President of Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action, Kristan Hawkins directs the mission and strategy of the organization and serves as official spokeswoman. She has appeared on Fox News, CNN, EWTN, Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson, and the Christian Broadcasting Network; she is a frequent blogger for and has also been quoted in numerous national and regional newspapers such as the Washington Times, Washington Post, and


Segment 3 & 4 – Latest News from the Vatican w/Joan Lewis
Joan Lewis is the author of the blog “Joan’s Rome.” She joins us each week to share the latest news out of the Vatican concerning the Holy Father and the Catholic Church.

Joan Lewis
Host, Joan’s Rome and The Vatican Insider




Segment 5 – Baton Rouge Priest Killed in a Car Crash Remembered For His Holiness, Passion For Truth
A Louisiana priest, Fr. Mark Beard, who was killed in a car accident last Wednesday is being remembered in his home diocese for his commitment to the truth as taught by the Catholic faith as well as his unwavering devotion to the Blessed Mother.

Bishop Michael G. Duca, a native of Dallas, Texas, was ordained a priest on April 29, 1978, for the Diocese of Dallas. On December 20, 2004, he was conferred the Title of Reverend Monsignor. He was called to the order of bishop on April 1, 2008 for service in North Louisiana.









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