Catholic Connection – August 9, 2022 – Hour 1
Monica Burke is the Principal of St. John Paul II Classical Catholic School in Lincoln Park. She tells us all about their school today. Teresa looks at Britney Spears’ desire to get married in a Catholic Church.
Segment 1 – Intro and News
Segment 2 – Teresa’s Two Cents
Britney Spears’ Wedding: Who Can Get Married in a Catholic Church?
Segment 3 – St. John Paul II Classical Catholic School
Monica Burke is the Principal of St. John Paul II Classical Catholic School in Lincoln Park. She says, “I graduated in 2005 from Oakland University with my Bachelor Degree in elementary education. I taught middle school for 15 years and I have truly enjoyed being a teacher. I graduated from Madonna University in 2011 with my Masters in Catholic School Educational Leadership and I have had the privilege to be an assistant principal and interim principal over the past five years.”