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Catholic Connection – August 4, 2023 – Hr 1

Teresa talks about Fr. Mark Beard, a beloved Louisiana priest, who died in a car crash. Chris Faddis discusses the political assault on faith-based health care.



Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 3 – The Political Assault on Faith-Based Health Care
“New reports show that doctors are turning to Direct Primary Care (DPC) as an alternative to traditional medicine, with data revealing a striking 159% jump in active DPC doctors per 100k people from 2017 – 2021. This includes a “growing number of Catholic doctors” seeking “a more fulsome application of the Catholic faith.”  This is due to the left “waging an all-out political assault against faith-based healthcare and attempting to force doctors to perform abortions, sex-change operations, hormone suppression, and provide puberty blocking drugs to young patients, with no regard for their religious convictions or the mounting evidence against these harmful interventions.”  Chris Faddis joins us.

Chris Faddis is co-founder and President of Solidarity HealthShare, a national not-for-profit ministry that provides an alternative way to fund health care costs while protecting and practicing Catholic beliefs.













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