Catholic Connection – August 2, 2023 – Hr 1
British chain Costa Coffee faces boycott over transgender illustration. Michael New analyzes polls about Ohio’s abortion amendment.
Segment 1 – Intro and NewsÂ
Segment 2 – Teresa’s Two Cents
British chain Costa Coffee faces boycott calls over transgender illustration
Segment 3 – Mainstream media misleads over Ohio abortion polls
Last week, the Ohio Secretary of State announced that an amendment to place abortion rights in the state constitution received enough signatures to appear on the November ballot. Much of the media coverage about this Ohio ballot measure has cited a recent USA Today/Suffolk University survey, which purportedly shows that 58 percent of likely Ohio voters support a constitutional amendment that would guarantee abortion rights. This poll has been cited by a number of mainstream media outlets including The New York Times, The Hill, and Politico. Methodologically, there are some legitimate concerns about this poll.” Michael New joins us. Read his article here.

Michael New is a research associate at the Busch School of Business at The Catholic University of America and is an associate scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute.