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Catholic Connection – July 21, 2023 – Hr 1

Sr. Piper Klatt from the Shrine of Jesus The Divine Mercy in Clinton Township is here to talk about the 9th annual Mission of Mercy event coming up August 18th.



Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 2 – Teresa’s Two Cents 


Segment 3 – 9th annual Mission of Mercy, An Evening in Paris
“Join us (Aug. 18) for our Ninth Annual Mission of Mercy, An Evening in Paris! Be our guest as we transport you to a romantic evening in the beautiful city of Paris! Immerse yourself in the sites and sounds as a string quartet welcomes you to the city. Our evening will feature a live soprano singer performance, hors d’oeuvres, dinner, dessert, silent and live auctions including a chance to bid on a trip to Paris! You won’t want to miss this grand event!”

Sr. Piper Klatt is Prayer Ministry Coordinator at the Shrine of Jesus The Divine Mercy in Clinton Township.  During her Junior year at Franciscan University, she experienced God calling her to religious life while on a pilgrimage to the Divine Mercy Shrine in Krakow, Poland. Three years later, after much prayer and discernment, she responded to the Lord’s invitation!  The message of Divine Mercy changed her life, and she gives all thanks and praise to God for leading her to the Shrine.







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