Catholic Connection – July 20, 2022 – Hour 2
Kishore Jayabalan looks at two stories regarding the freedom to express pro-life views at the University of Michigan. Joan Lewis has the latest concerning the activities of Pope Francis and the heatwave engulfing Italy.
Segment 1 – Intro/Fr. John Riccardo
We listen to clips from Fr. John Riccardo’s speech at Sunday’s Plymouth Right to Life event.
Segment 2 & 3 – The Freedom to Express Pro-Life Views at the University of Michigan

Kishore Jayabalan is currently chairman of the Commission on Catholic Social Teaching for the diocese of Lansing. From 2005 to 2019, he was director of Istituto Acton, the Rome office of the Acton Institute. He previously served as a staff member of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, a diplomatic attaché for the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations in New York, and an international economist for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington, D.C. He has a B.A. in political science and economics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a M.A. in political science from the University of Toronto.
UMich medical dean refuses to cancel pro-life speaker in face of demands
Michigan Football Coach Jim Harbaugh Slams Abortion: “Have the Courage to Let the Unborn be Born”
Segment 4 – Latest News from the Vatican w/Joan Lewis
Joan Lewis is the author of the blog “Joan’s Rome.” She joins us each week to share the latest news out of the Vatican concerning the Holy Father and the Catholic Church.

Joan Lewis
Host, Joan’s Rome and The Vatican Insider
Joan’s Blog: Joan’s Rome