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Catholic Connection – July 12, 2023 – Hr 2

“Women of Grace” is celebrating their 20th anniversary. Johnnette Benkovic Williams joins us. Joan Lewis has the latest Vatican news.




Segment 1 – Intro and News 


Segment 2 & 3 – Women of Grace Celebrates 20 Year Milestone
“What began in 2003 as an inspiration to affirm Catholic women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God, helping them discover the beauty of authentic femininity™, Women of Grace® has grown into one of the largest Catholic women’s ministries in the world today.”   Johnnette is here.

Johnnette Benkovic Williams is the host of EWTN’s radio and television shows, Women of Grace. In addition to her television and radio programs, she is also founder and President of Women of Grace, a Catholic apostolate for women. She is a popular conference speaker, retreat master and seminar presenter, and has written several books on topics including prayer and spirituality, authentic femininity, conversion and the dangers of new age movements.




Segment 4 – Latest News from the Vatican w/Joan Lewis
Joan Lewis is the author of the blog “Joan’s Rome.” She joins us each week to share the latest news out of the Vatican concerning the Holy Father and the Catholic Church.

Joan Lewis
Host, Joan’s Rome and The Vatican Insider


Basta! Suficiente! Enough! A Response to Cardinal-Designate Aguiar





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