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Catholic Connection – July 8, 2021 – Hour 2

Dr. Michael Parker and Michael Vacca talk about Ohio enacting health care conscience protections and other religious freedom topics.

Segment 1 – Intro and News

Segment 2 & 3 – Ohio conscience protections and other medical discussion
“Governor DeWine should be commended for his commitment to dignified health care. His clear understanding that health care professionals must have the right to freedom of conscience is vital to ensuring the health and safety of our patients,” said Dr. Michael Parker, president of the Catholic Medical Association, in a July 1 statement.

Dr. Michael Parker is the President of the Catholic Medical Association.

Segment 4 – Ohio enacts health care conscience protections
Ohio state law now includes conscience protections for medical professionals, after Governor Mike DeWine (R) signed a state budget bill into law on June 30. Michael Vacca discusses this and other crucial issues.

Michael Vacca is Director of Ministry Bioethics and Membership Experience, Christ Medicus Foundation & CMF CURO

Ohio enacts health care conscience protections

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