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Catholic Connection – June 24, 2022 – Hour 2

Vanessa Denha Garmo fills in for Teresa Tomeo. Doug Keck joins us for his weekly update on special programming coming up on EWTN. Dr. Stephany Powell shares concerns about a potentially dangerous loitering bill in California. Bryan Kemper tells us how killing babies breeds pro-abortion domestic terrorism.

Segment 1 – Intro and News

Segment 2 – The Inside Word @ EWTN
Doug Keck is EWTN’s President and Chief Operating Officer. He joins us to share the latest news regarding EWTN’s TV and radio programming.

Doug Keck
President & COO, EWTN

Visit the website for EWTN

Segment 3 – If California Governor Signs Loitering Bill into Law, Sex Trafficking Will Inevitably Rise
“If SB 357 is passed, sex buyers will more easily be able to purchase prostituted persons. This will increase sex trafficking in the state of California because the demand for prostituted persons will inevitably rise. We urge Governor Newsom to veto SB 357 and instead seek smart solutions to reduce prostitution and sex trafficking,” said Dawn Hawkins, CEO of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

Dr. Stephany Powell is a former LAPD Vice Sergeant and Director of Law Enforcement Training and Survivor Services at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation.

Read: If California Governor Signs Loitering Bill into Law, Sex Trafficking Will Inevitably Rise

Segment 4 & 5 – Killing Babies in Abortions Breeds Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorism
“As we prepare for the Supreme Court decision in the landmark Dobbs vs Jackson case that will most likely dismantle Roe v. Wade we are seeing a rise in violence from the pro-abortion side. Lifesaving pregnancy centers are being attacked, pro-lifers are being assaulted, death threats are being made against Supreme Court justices and pro-life leaders, and there have been calls for riots across the country.” Bryan Kemper joins Vanessa.

Bryan Kemper is the founder of Rock for Life, Stand True and the Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity. Bryan is currently the Youth Outreach Director for Priests for Life.

Book: Pro-Life is the new Punk Rock

Killing Babies in Abortions Breeds Pro-Abortion Domestic Terrorism

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