Catholic Connection – June 13, 2023 – Hr 1
Emily Reece breaks down the American Beliefs Study from ACS Technologies that examines religious beliefs across generations.
Segment 1 – Intro and News
Segment 2 – Teresa’s Two Cents
Segment 3 – American Beliefs Study from ACS Technologies Examines Religious Beliefs Across Generations
“ACS Technologies, a leader in church management software, market expertise, and data analysis, has released the most recent report in its groundbreaking American Beliefs Study: Religious Preferences and Practices. The latest, American Beliefs Study: Beliefs About God and Jesus in American Communities, is designed to equip churches and community leaders to effectively respond to the ever-changing trends of personal belief systems in the American landscape. With particular regard to generational variations, this study helps readers understand different age groups’ beliefs about God, Jesus, the Christian narrative, and what they’re looking for in worship.” Emily Reece breaks it all down for us.
Emily Reece is a MissionInsite Strategic Consultant at ACS Technologies