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Catholic Connection – June 2, 2023 – Hr 1

Teresa talks about Gov. Whitmer’s new commission to study Michigan’s population loss and why her support of abortion never factors in. Steve Ray on rainbows, the flood and LGBT+ today.



Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 2 – Teresa’s Two Cents
Gov. Whitmer creates commission to study solutions to Michigan population loss.  Her promotion of abortion never seems to cross her mind.


Segment 3 – Rainbows, Genesis Flood and LGBT+ Today

Steve is a convert to the Catholic faith and a popular author, speaker, and pilgrimage leader. He has been to the Holy Land over 100 times exploring, filming, and leading thousands of pilgrims. Steve is a regular guest on Catholic radio and TV including Catholic Answers, Ave Maria Radio, and EWTN. He writes Bible Studies for Catholic Scripture Study International.


Click here for Steve Ray’s website






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