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Catholic Connection – June 1, 2023 – Hr 1

Randall Petrides is the author of “How the Saints Shaped History.” He joins us today. Teresa also looks at Senator Tim Scott’s response to Joy Behar’s latest ridiculous statement.



Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 3 – How the Saints Shaped History
How the Saints Shaped History focuses on the essential role of the saints, as vessels of God’s grace, in moving the Church (and the world!) through her two-thousand-year history. Written especially for everyday Catholics hungry to learn more about the Faith, this book is both comprehensive and accessible. It tells the story of how more than 180 saints, from Saint Mary Magdalene to Pope Saint John Paul II, led the Church through many crises and back to her spiritual roots.”

Randall Petrides, a lifelong Catholic, is retired after forty years of practice as a lawyer. He holds degrees from the University of Michigan and Notre Dame Law School and a masters in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He resides in Michigan with Elizabeth, his wife of forty-three years, where they raised their five children. They have sixteen grandchildren.






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