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Catholic Connection – May 23, 2023 – Hr 1

John Hale is back to talk pilgrimage and how you can join Teresa in Italy this November. Katherine Bogner shares “Through the Year with Mary.”



Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 2 – Pilgrimage Opportunity with Corporate Travel
John Hale tells us about a new sale going on for the pilgrimage to Italy with Teresa this November.

John Hale is the President of Corporate Travel Service.







Segment 3 – Through the Year with Mary: Ponder and Pray Together with Children

“For two-thousand years, Christians around the world have sought the Blessed Virgin Mary as a guide to growing closer to her Son, Jesus. Through Scripture, Catholic teaching, devotions, and countless works of art, we come to see Mary as our Mother, too. by Katherine Bogner brings together the Church’s traditions in one place and provides a year-long plan for coming to know and love the Mother of God.”


Katherine Bogner is the author of Through the Year with Jesus and a Catholic school teacher and Director of Religious Education from Central Illinois. She is passionate about equipping parents, catechists, and teachers to share the beauty and truth of Christ and His Church with their students. Visit where she shares free lesson plans, printables, and other resources for teaching the Faith.



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