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Catholic Connection – May 20, 2022 – Hour 2

Doug Keck joins us to share the latest news regarding EWTN’s TV and radio programming. Teresa explains how the ignorance of the media can hurt us. Kristan Hawkins from Students for Life Action tells us what she’s been up to since the SCOTUS Dobbs leak.

Segment 1 – Intro and News

Segment 2 – The Inside Word @ EWTN
Doug Keck is EWTN’s President and Chief Operating Officer. He joins us to share the latest news regarding EWTN’s TV and radio programming.

Doug Keck
President & COO, EWTN

Visit the website for EWTN

Segment 3 – Fact Check Friday
What the media doesn’t know CAN hurt us. Teresa explains.

Segment 4 – SCOTUS Leak, Pro-Lifers Under attack, the work goes on!

As President of Students for Life of America, Kristan Hawkins directs the mission and strategy of the organization and serves as official spokeswoman. Kristan is also President of Students for Life Action. She has appeared on Fox News, CNN, EWTN, Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson, and the Christian Broadcasting Network; she is a frequent blogger for and has also been quoted in numerous national and regional newspapers such as the Washington Times, Washington Post, and

Abortion Supporters, BLM Spokesperson Assault Pro-Life Activists in Indianapolis Protest

Kristan’s Twitter
Pro-life means pro-babies and pro-moms

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