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Catholic Connection – May 9, 2024 – Hr 2

Guest host Vanessa Denha Garmo speaks with Dr. James Papandrea on his new book “Praying Like the Early Church.” Terry Poplava promotes the new Discipleship Indicator service that helps churches build and strengthen ministries.




Segment 1 – Intro & News


Segment 2 & 3 – Praying Like the Early Church: Seven Insights from the Church
“There are many misconceptions about prayer, ranging from what it is to how and why we pray. Dr. James Papandrea breaks open the wisdom of early Christians to transform and enrich your spiritual life and help you develop a daily rhythm for fruitful conversation with God. Here is the spiritual game plan you need to assist you in opening your heart to the Father’s invitation, receiving His love, living virtuously in practical ways, and entering into deeper communion with Him.”

James L. Papandrea is a Catholic professor, author, speaker, and musician. Baptized Catholic but raised Protestant and eventually ordained in a Protestant denomination, Jim reverted to the Catholic Church through his studies of the Church Fathers. He holds an M.Div. degree from Fuller Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in the History and Theology of the Early Christian Church from Northwestern University. Jim is currently Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Garrett-Evangelical Seminary at Northwestern University, as well as a consultant in Adult Faith Formation and a regular speaker in parish and lay formation programs across the Chicago area.


Segment 4 & 5 Service to Assess Parish Ministry and Parishioner Discipleship
“ACST Catholic, a leading provider of technology solutions for Catholic parishes and dioceses, has launched The Discipleship Indicator, a powerful new service that enables Catholic parishes to build or strengthen ministries to help form intentional disciples. This innovative resource has been developed to serve parishes in forming and activating disciples for evangelization.”  Terry Poplava explains.

Terry Poplava is General Manager of ACST Catholic. He has extensive experience working with churches across the U.S. in support of their stewardship and engagement efforts and can help churches understand what this report means for them. Terry coaches churches in the following: strategic planning and development for effective evangelization and discipleship cultivation; strengthening church leadership, member and community engagement, and financial health; and identifying generational insights for leaders to apply to their congregations, or re-engage those who have left.




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