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Catholic Connection – April 8, 2024

Bishop Francis Kalabat speaks out on President Biden’s Trans Visibility Day proclamation. Pro-life warrior Kristan Hawkins joins us to talk about the Vatican’s statement on human dignity and President Trump’s abortion comments.




Segment 1 – Intro & News


Segment 2 & 3 – Bishop Kalabat issues statement on President Biden’s Trans Visibility Day

Bishop Frank Kalabat of the Chaldean Eparchy of St. Thomas the Apostle, Detroit.


Segment 4 – The Vatican on Human Dignity / President Trump on abortion
Students for Life Action calls President Trump’s Abortion Statement “A Step in the Right Direction affirming the Ultimate Joy in Life” – Children & Family
‘Dignitas Infinita’: New Vatican Document on Human Dignity Condemns Gender Transition, Surrogacy, Abortion


“I’m pleased to see that President Trump listened to pro-lifers and isn’t going to allow a divisive late-term limit that some GOP insiders were been pushing, which would have embraced more than 9 in 10 abortions, to be a distraction from Joe Biden’s abortion extremism. However, to be clear, the Pro-Life Movement is united that abortion is a federal issue, and we won’t stop working until every child, in every state, is protected in life by law and service. Your state lines should never mean the beginning or end of your human rights.” – Kristan Hawkins

As President of Students for Life of America and Students for Life Action, Kristan Hawkins directs the mission and strategy of the organization and serves as official spokeswoman. She has appeared on Fox News, CNN, EWTN, Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson, and the Christian Broadcasting Network; she is a frequent blogger for and has also been quoted in numerous national and regional newspapers such as the Washington Times, Washington Post, and




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