Catholic Connection – April 4, 2024 – Hr 2
Tom Nash is the author of “To Whom Shall We Go?: The Biblical Case for the Catholic Church.” Cece & Jennifer Breen tell us all about Girl Friday 4 God.
Segment 1 – Intro & News
Segment 2 & 3 – To Whom Shall We Go?: The Biblical Case for the Catholic Church
“In To Whom Shall We Go? Thomas J. Nash seeks to present anew the real Jesus, the Word who became flesh (John 1:14) to save all of humanity and to employ his Mystical Bride, the Catholic Church, as his instrument of salvation and life-transforming love. Nash makes biblical and historical arguments for the perennial relevance of Jesus and his Church. As Nash summarizes well, if the Catholic Church were merely a human institution, she would’ve entered the dustbin of history centuries ago, both because of internal scandals and external persecutions. Instead, two thousand years after the Resurrection, the Church continues to advance her God-given Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20).” (Originally aired March 18, 2024)
Thomas J. Nash has served the Church professionally for more than thirty-five years, including as a theology advisor at the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). He is a contributing apologist and speaker for Catholic Answers and also the author of 20 Answers: The Rosary and The Biblical Roots of the Mass. Tom has served as a regular guest apologist on Catholic Answers Live for more than a decade.
Segment 4 – Girl Friday 4 God
““Girl Friday” is a term used to describe a trusted assistant or helper. It is a woman or girl who gets the needful done. The duties or tasks are not always defined or routine. In fact, the ability to jump in and do whatever is necessary in creative and efficient ways is the key to excellence in this role. A Girl Friday 4 God is exactly what it sounds like – a woman or girl who gets the needful done for God.”
Cece & Jennifer Breen – Founding members of Girl Friday 4 God