Catholic Connection – April 1, 2024 – Hr 1
Best of “Catholic Connection” with Fr. Stephen Pullis and Kallie Fell.
Segment 1 –Teresa’s Two Sense
Fr. Frankie Cicero – Hearing the VOICE of God
(Originally aired March 21, 2024)
Segment 2 – The Good News About God’s Plan: A Pastoral Letter on the Challenges of Gender Identity
“Those who experience the struggle and pain of gender confusion are near to Christ’s heart, and thus near to the heart of the Church, which out of compassion reaches out to offer Christ’s perfect love, truth and wholeness for them, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron said in a new pastoral letter. In his new teaching document, “The Good News About God’s Plan: A Pastoral Letter on the Challenges of Gender Identity,” the archbishop addresses the sensitive topic of gender confusion, presenting the Church’s wisdom and seeking to accompany families, parishes and schools as they offer pastoral care in “clarity and charity” to those struggling with their God-given identity.” Read more here from Detroit Catholic. (Originally aired March 19, 2024)
Fr. Stephen Pullis is Director of Graduate Pastoral Formation, Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.
Segment 3 & 4 – The Detransition Diaries
“We live in unprecedented times, when what was known for thousands of years, that we are created male and female, is now up for debate. It is now controversial to see that sex is binary, that a man can never become a woman, nor a woman a man, and that men should not enter women’s sports, women’s bathrooms, and women’s prisons, merely for saying that they are a woman. We are witnessing a rapid rise in gender confusion among young people, especially among young women and girls.” (Originally aired March 11, 2024)
Kallie Fell is the executive director of the Center for Bioethics and Culture and a perinatal nurse. In addition to coproducing documentaries for CBC, she hosts the podcast Venus Rising and is the program director for the Paul Ramsey Institute. Kallie is co-author of “The Detransition Diaries.”