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Catholic Connection – March 20, 2024 – Hr 1

Heather Gardner with 40 Days for Life promotes their closing rally and Jericho March on March 24th, Palm Sunday, in Ann Arbor. Teresa talks about the importance of rest and vacation.




Segment 1 – Intro & News


Segment 2 – Teresa’s Two Sense
Teresa talks about the importance of rest, vacation, pilgrimage and more.


Segment 3 – Ann Arbor 40 days for Life Closing Rally March 24th
Heather Gardner, Director of Campaign Advancement/365 of the peaceful, prayerful effective 40 Days for Life project, will tell the story of this groundbreaking effort in Ann Arbor on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024. Gardner will speak at the Ann Arbor Closing Rally & Jericho March, which is set for 2 PM at 3100 Professional Dr outside of Planned Parenthood. Pastor Phil Eliason (lead pastor at Ann Arbor Assembly of God Church) and Deacon Rich Badics (St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Ann Arbor) will also speak and lead us on the 7th and final lap of our Seven Sundays Interfaith Jericho March. Fellowship with refreshments will immediately follow the rally & final lap just down the street. Parking is available on Professional Dr and 3131 Professional Dr.

Heather Gardner currently serves as the director of campaign advancement for 40 Days for Life and oversees the “365” locations. She spends regular time on the sidewalks outside abortion facilities reaching out to women and men, praying for an end to abortion, and striving to build a culture of life.






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