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Catholic Connection – March 2, 2023 – Hour 1

Teresa reports on a Senate Judiciary hearing about protecting kids online. Reggie Littlejohn and Nicole Joyce are also with us.



Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 2 – Teresa’s Two Cents
Senate Judiciary hearing on protecting kids online


Segment 3 – China’s Sichuan Province Drops Coercive Birth Limits, But It’s Not Yet Time to Celebrate
“One province in China, Sichuan, has announced its intention to suspend coercive population control for five years. Under the Three Child Policy – still in force in the rest of China outside Sichuan – it remains illegal for an unmarried woman or a woman pregnant with her fourth child to give birth.” Reggie Littlejohn joins us.  Learn about their Save A Girl Campaign here.  (Originally aired February 7, 2023)

Reggie Littlejohn is Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, an international coalition to expose and oppose forced abortion, gendercide and sexual slavery in China.




Segment 4 – 52 Sundays: New free family faith resource
“Launched by the Archdiocese of Detroit in 2020, 52 Sundays was so successful they’re opening it to anyone with an internet connection.”  Nicole Joyce from the AOD joins us to make sure our national EWTN audience knows all about the resource!  (Originally aired February 20, 2023)

Nicole Joyce is the Associate Director of Family Ministry at the Archdiocese of Detroit.
And here: 52 Sundays
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