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Catholic Connection – Feb 21, 2024 – Hr 2

Maureen Ferguson talks about how we can protect kids from the dangers of smartphones. Joan Lewis reports on the latest news out of the Vatican.




Segment 1 – Intro & News


Segment 2 & 3 – How We Can Protect Kids From the Dangers of Smartphones
“What is the appropriate age to give my kid a smartphone and access to social media? Once I let the genie out of the bottle, as my teenagers turn into screenagers, how do I protect them from online harms? These are questions that vex every parent in America.”  Maureen Ferguson joins us today.

Maureen Ferguson is Senior Policy Advisor for The Catholic Association. Maureen has appeared on numerous television interviews, including CNN, FOX News, PBS, ABC World News Tonight, Nightline, EWTN, and C-SPAN giving commentary on the Catholic faith, religious liberty and conscience rights, and right-to-life issues. Her writing on these topics has been published and she has been quoted in various print outlets, including Politico,, Reuters, Bloomberg, The Hill, National Review Online, and

Parents, Here’s How We Can Protect Kids From the Dangers of Smartphones


Segment 4 – Latest News from the Vatican w/Joan Lewis
Joan Lewis is the author of the blog “Joan’s Rome.” She joins us each week to share the latest news out of the Vatican concerning the Holy Father and the Catholic Church.

Joan Lewis
Host, Joan’s Rome and The Vatican Insider






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