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Catholic Connection – Feb 5, 2024 – Hr 2

Guest host Sherry Brownrigg speaks with Nancy Bandzuch about the new “Catholic Parent” series. Vicky Herout talks about a campaign to pray for priests during Lent. Gail Buckley Barringer has our weekly Bible verse.




Segment 1 – Intro & News


Segment 2 & 3 – “The Catholic Parent” six-episode series
“The future of the worldwide Catholic Church is in the hands of today’s Catholic parents… and no one is more keenly aware of it than those parents themselves. During Catholic Schools Week, the Augustine Institute and Catholic Sprouts honor children’s primary educators in the faith—their moms and dads—with a new six-episode series. The Catholic Parent is designed to encourage and empower parents on their quest to hand on the Catholic faith to the next generation.”

Nancy Bandzuch is the founder of Catholic Sprouts, an apostolate focused on helping parents build and lead their own domestic church. Catholic Sprouts offers a daily podcast, a vibrant community for kids, and printed products designed to help hand on the Catholic faith.




Segment 4 – The Importance of Praying for Our Priests
Vicky Herout
is with Maria Regina Cleri.  She joins us today to discuss the importance of praying for our priests.  Specifically, they talk about a Lenten campaign to pray the Stations of the Cross for priests.


“We are a Catholic apostolate whose mission is to encourage prayerful support of the ministerial priesthood and prayerful promotion of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. We are happy to offer resources to help you join us in the movement to support our priests with the power of prayer.”



Segment 5 – Bible Verse of the Week
Sherry and Gail discuss John 6:35 – “Jesus declared ‘I am the bread of life.'”

Gail Buckley Barringer
President & Founder, Catholic Scripture Study International








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