Catholic Connection – Feb 1, 2022 – Hour 2
Jordan Harmon is the co-founder of Angel Studios. He joins us. Michael Vacca from Christ Medicus Foundation talks about conscience, mandates and Catholic Church teaching.
Segment 1 – Intro and News
Segments 2 & 3 – Angel Studios, Streaming Platform Behind “The Chosen”, Raises $47 Million Investment Led by Gigafund to Give Hollywood a Remake
Jordan Harmon is co-founder of Angel Studios, the leading alternative to Hollywood telling stories that amplify light. Distributing crowdfunded hits like THE CHOSEN, WINGFEATHER SAGA, the TUTTLE TWINS, and DRY BAR COMEDY, Angel is empowering creators to fund and distribute their own content using the Community Video on Demand, or CVOD model.
Angel Studios, Streaming Platform Behind “The Chosen”, Raises $47 Million Investment Led by Gigafund to Give Hollywood a Remake
Segment 4 – Conscience, Mandates and Catholic Church Teaching
Michael Vacca is Director of Ministry Bioethics and Membership Experience, Christ Medicus Foundation & CMF CURO