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Catholic Connection – Jan 27, 2023 – Hour 2

Guest host Sherry Brownrigg speaks with EWTN’s Doug Keck about special upcoming programming. Josh Dart talks about the Priests for an Apostolic Age Conference. Leah Darrow has a new video series.

Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 2 – The Inside Word @ EWTN
Doug Keck is EWTN’s President and Chief Operating Officer. He joins us to share the latest news regarding EWTN’s TV and radio programming.

Doug Keck
President & COO, EWTN


Visit the website for EWTN



Segment 3 – The Evangelical Catholic Recognizes Heroic Work for Apostolic Advancement at First-Ever Event
“Amidst the Priests for an Apostolic Age Conference, a gathering of hundreds of clergy focused on working together to advance the Gospel, the Evangelical Catholic hosted the Avery Cardinal Dulles Apostolic Activity Award Banquet to honor leaders whose response to the Great Commission of “Go, and make disciples of all nations” has resulted in widely acclaimed success. … The awards come from a question first posed at the Second Vatican Council of “How does the Church of the 20th century respond to Master’s Ultimate Commandment?” In answer to the question, the Council sought to clarify the Church’s mission both within (ad intra) and reaching outward (ad extra) to more fruitfully make disciples.”  Josh Dart joins us to explain.


Josh Dart holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters of Arts in Theology from the Augustine Institute in Denver. After working simultaneously for several years as both a Project Manager and Youth Minister, he resigned from engineering to be fully devoted to the Church’s evangelization efforts. Josh served as the Director of Catholic Campus Ministry at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), and has co-led and participated in over a dozen international missions in Central America, Australia, and Africa. He was introduced to the Evangelical Catholic through Evangelization Training Camps, and began fully implementing the EC vision when VCU became one of the university ministries in the Diocese of Richmond EC Alliance. This bore great fruit both in the campus ministry and his personal life. As an EC Lead Ministry Consultant, Josh trains parish and campus ministries to be the best at reaching the lost with the love of Jesus.


Segment 4 & 5 – New Video Series from Leah Darrow
“God has a plan for your life, but sometimes His path takes you on twists and turns you didn’t see coming. In the new video series “The Cultivation of Purpose with Leah Darrow: Faith, Farming and Vocation” produced by UST Houston’s MAX Studios, Catholic mom, speaker, author, and former America’s Top Model contestant Leah Darrow welcomes viewers into her new home, highlighting the immensely different changes she’s made in her life and why.”  Click here for episode one.

Leah Darrow is the founder of Power Made Perfect, an acclaimed personal development program, where she uses her decades of mindset coaching and experience in creating lasting change to help others find the time and courage to lead lives of true freedom, contribution, and mission with God. A former model on reality TV, Leah experienced a life-changing conversion back to the Catholic faith in 2005. An entrepreneur at heart, Leah has a driving passion to lead and inspire others to embrace Christ’s mercy and has created a beautiful sisterhood of women striving to be a light in the world. A sought-after speaker, Leah has been featured on numerous top podcasts, as well as appearances on Fox News, Yahoo Finance, Daily Wire, The Blaze, EWTN, and The Christian Post.



Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 2 – The Inside Word @ EWTN
Doug Keck is EWTN’s President and Chief Operating Officer. He joins us to share the latest news regarding EWTN’s TV and radio programming.

Doug Keck
President & COO, EWTN


Visit the website for EWTN



Segment 3 – The Evangelical Catholic Recognizes Heroic Work for Apostolic Advancement at First-Ever Event
“Amidst the Priests for an Apostolic Age Conference, a gathering of hundreds of clergy focused on working together to advance the Gospel, the Evangelical Catholic hosted the Avery Cardinal Dulles Apostolic Activity Award Banquet to honor leaders whose response to the Great Commission of “Go, and make disciples of all nations” has resulted in widely acclaimed success. … The awards come from a question first posed at the Second Vatican Council of “How does the Church of the 20th century respond to Master’s Ultimate Commandment?” In answer to the question, the Council sought to clarify the Church’s mission both within (ad intra) and reaching outward (ad extra) to more fruitfully make disciples.”  Josh Dart joins us to explain.


Josh Dart holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters of Arts in Theology from the Augustine Institute in Denver. After working simultaneously for several years as both a Project Manager and Youth Minister, he resigned from engineering to be fully devoted to the Church’s evangelization efforts. Josh served as the Director of Catholic Campus Ministry at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), and has co-led and participated in over a dozen international missions in Central America, Australia, and Africa. He was introduced to the Evangelical Catholic through Evangelization Training Camps, and began fully implementing the EC vision when VCU became one of the university ministries in the Diocese of Richmond EC Alliance. This bore great fruit both in the campus ministry and his personal life. As an EC Lead Ministry Consultant, Josh trains parish and campus ministries to be the best at reaching the lost with the love of Jesus.


Segment 4 & 5 – New Video Series from Leah Darrow
“God has a plan for your life, but sometimes His path takes you on twists and turns you didn’t see coming. In the new video series “The Cultivation of Purpose with Leah Darrow: Faith, Farming and Vocation” produced by UST Houston’s MAX Studios, Catholic mom, speaker, author, and former America’s Top Model contestant Leah Darrow welcomes viewers into her new home, highlighting the immensely different changes she’s made in her life and why.”  Click here for episode one.

Leah Darrow is the founder of Power Made Perfect, an acclaimed personal development program, where she uses her decades of mindset coaching and experience in creating lasting change to help others find the time and courage to lead lives of true freedom, contribution, and mission with God. A former model on reality TV, Leah experienced a life-changing conversion back to the Catholic faith in 2005. An entrepreneur at heart, Leah has a driving passion to lead and inspire others to embrace Christ’s mercy and has created a beautiful sisterhood of women striving to be a light in the world. A sought-after speaker, Leah has been featured on numerous top podcasts, as well as appearances on Fox News, Yahoo Finance, Daily Wire, The Blaze, EWTN, and The Christian Post.



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