Catholic Connection – Jan 24, 2023 – Hour 2
Guest host Vanessa Denha Garmo speaks with Eric Scheidler about building a post-Roe future. Joy Stockbauer is urging pharmacy chains to stop dispensing abortion-inducing drugs. Kelly Wahlquist from WINE joins us too.
Segment 1 – Intro and News
Segment 2 – Building a Post-Roe Future
“A large and diverse group of pro-life activists, authors, scholars, and other leaders have just issued a challenge to the pro-life movement in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. In a ‘Joint Statement for Building a Post-Roe Future’—authored by Eric Scheidler, Josh Brahm, Charlie Camosy, and Jonathon Van Maren—these pro-life leaders are calling for bold, new policies that will go beyond abortion bans to reduce the social and economic pressures that push so many women into abortions they do not want.”

Eric Scheidler is the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League.
Segment 3 – Family Research Council, 13 Pro-life Groups Send Letter Urging Walgreens, CVS To Cease Dispensing Abortion-Inducing Drugs
“Family Research Council, along with thirteen other pro-life organizations, today sent letters addressed to the leadership of CVS Health and Walgreens Boots Alliance pharmacy chains calling on them to stop acting as de-facto abortion centers by dispensing abortion inducing drugs.” Joy Stockbauer joins us.

Joy Stockbauer serves as Policy Analyst for the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council. In this position, she assists the Director of the Center for Human Dignity in tracking and responding to current events pertaining to the dignity of the human person, as well as assisting in drafting publications and resources on human dignity.
Segment 4 & 5 – WINE Conferences and Pilgrimage
Kelly Wahlquist joins Vanessa to talk about special conferences coming up soon in Baton Rouge, Minnesota and Texas. There is also a ‘Wine and Shrine‘ trip to Italy coming up with Teresa in October.

Kelly Wahlquist is the founder of Women In the New Evangelization (WINE). Co-editor of “Called by Name.”