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Catholic Connection – Jan 15, 2024 – Hr 2

Lauren Muzyka with Sidewalk Advocates for Life joins us to talk about their work and other pro-life news. W. Joseph DeReuil with the Irish Rover on their paper winning a defamation lawsuit brought against it.




Segment 1 – Intro and News


Segment 2 & 3 – The Important Pro-Life work of the Sidewalk Advocates for Life

Lauren Muzyka serves as President & CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life (SAFL) where she oversees the organization’s vision, mission, and program. Lauren is a licensed attorney whose passion for defending the sanctity of human life led her into the pro-life movement.  For over two years, Lauren served as Campaign Strategist for the National 40 Days for Life Team, advising their 300+ campaigns in North America.


Segment 4 – Tamara Kay v. The Irish Rover Dismissed
“The defamation lawsuit brought against the Irish Rover by Prof. Tamara Kay in June 2023 was dismissed by St. Joseph County, Indiana, Superior Court on Jan 8, 2024, under Indiana’s Anti-SLAPP law. The court’s ruling, issued by Justice Steven David, held that, ‘the alleged defamatory statements were true, within the meaning of the law, not made with actual malice, did not contain a defamatory inference, and there were no damages that were causally linked to The Irish Rover Articles, Dr. Kay’s defamation claim fails and the statements in the Articles were lawful.’”

W. Joseph DeReuil is a senior studying philosophy and classics at the University of Notre Dame. He is Editor-in-Chief Emeritus at the Irish Rover. While at Notre Dame he has been involved with the dCEC, CCCG, SCOP, and many other organizations, in addition to writing for various non-Notre Dame publications including First Things, The American Conservative, and the National Catholic Register. 






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