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Nigeria’s newest cardinal shares secret behind the highest Mass attendance in the world

Nigeria’s newest cardinal shares secret behind the highest Mass attendance in the world

After Nigeria was recognized as having the highest Mass attendance in the world, the African nation’s youngest cardinal has shared some of the secrets behind his country’s vibrant sacramental life. A recent study found that 94% of Nigeria’s 30 million Catholics say they attend Mass at least
From Here to Eternity

From Here to Eternity

Few things challenge our tranquility and provoke a sense of existential dread more profoundly than the thought of death. If all we have striven for – all we have learned and experienced, everyone we have loved – simply comes to nothing, is there any point
Catholic Social Teaching and the Two-Party System: Pro-Life Democrat Dan Lipinski on Pope Leo XIII, Partisanship and His New Teaching Role

Catholic Social Teaching and the Two-Party System: Pro-Life Democrat Dan Lipinski on Pope Leo XIII, Partisanship and His New Teaching Role

Former Democratic U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski of Illinois, a Catholic, is both taking on a new challenge and returning to his roots as the new Pope Leo XIII Fellow on Social Thought at the University of Dallas. Lipinski served eight terms in Congress as a pro-life Democrat
A Warning Ignored

A Warning Ignored

Thirty-seven years ago today, on January 28, 1986, seven astronauts suffered a horrendous death as the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded in mid-air seventy-three seconds after takeoff. Almost anyone, at least in America, who was alive at that moment has the visual image of that explosion etched
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