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Woman’s Demand of $1 Million or She Would Abort Her 7-Week-Old Unborn Baby Exposed as a Hoax

Woman’s Demand of $1 Million or She Would Abort Her 7-Week-Old Unborn Baby Exposed as a Hoax

Over the years, we’ve learned that activists have a tendency to exaggerate stories or bend statistics…. All in a good cause, right? No. When this story was circulating, we avoided it because it didn’t pass the smell test.  It fit too nicely into our caricature

For Churches That Won’t Perform Same-Sex Weddings, Insurance Begins to Look Iffy

For Churches That Won’t Perform Same-Sex Weddings, Insurance Begins to Look Iffy

After the Obergefell v. Hodges, decision churches are rightfully worried about freedom of religion, free speech, tax-exempt status and compulsion to perform same-sex “marriages”. Now we’re told we have to be worried about insurance coverage? In the aftermath of Obergefell v. Hodges, pastors and church members