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Can There Be Christian Feminism?

I’d heard it so many times, I scarcely thought I needed to research it. The well-worn refrain said that feminism hadn’t always been bad. The first wave was good. I decided to go look for myself just to check the box and confirm that what I’d always heard was in fact true.

Astonishingly, I discovered that all was not so rosy in feminism’s first wave. What I thought would take two days of work for my book, The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us, quickly turned into months. The deeper I dug, the worse it got.

Three essential elements to a full understanding emerged: the occult, radical egalitarianism of the sexes (which later morphed into smashing the patriarchy), and free love. What I discovered was that not only was the first wave clearly an anti-Christian ideology, but it planted the seeds for what would later become an even more sinister form of ideology.

The second wave – because of its ushering in of abortion – can arguably be called the deadliest ideology in all of recorded human history. (Communism killed “only” 100 million in the 20th century and has been waning since.) In the United States alone, 60 million children have been aborted since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. More children are aborted worldwide than people die from all other causes combined. The blame can be laid squarely at feminism’s feet: it is the ideology that has taught women to believe that their children are an obstacle to their happiness, not a means to it.

Feminism from the beginning asked the question, “How do we help women become more like men?” instead of asking, “How do we help women as women?” The life of men was deemed to be superior and, therefore, imitating in any way possible. The myth of independent-and-infertile woman was born.

It was only a matter of time before Margaret Sanger ushered in the age of birth control, with abortion following closely behind, that would allow women to finally have what they considered the enviable sex lives of men, without frequently leading to nine months of pregnancy and eighteen years of raising a child.

This slow-rolling transition of women into a disordered ideal of manhood opened the door to today’s technological effort to transition females into ersatz males and males into ersatz females. Meanwhile, the data continues to show that women are not growing happier with greater implementation of feminist principles. Metrics reveal contemporary women are more depressed, suicidal, substance-addicted, divorced, and infected with sexually transmitted diseases.

Read more at The Catholic Thing 

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