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Ave Maria in the Afternoon – October 28, 2024 – Hour 2

Emily Malloy explores a Eucharistic answer to our “beauty crisis” and we celebrate the month of the Rosary with Steve Ray.


Spiritual Warfare and Divine Mercy

The book of Revelation states that Satan has declared war on “those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus.” For those who love our Lord Jesus Christ and strive to follow Him, we must contend with a powerful enemy who is out to destroy us and everyone we love. Are you prepared for this battle? Doug Keck joins us.


Doug Keck is the President and COO of EWTN

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The Domestic and Eucharistic Answer to the Beauty Crisis

Ours is an emaciated culture, starved of both beauty and meaning. Beauty, while it instructs our minds, simultaneously prepares our souls. Let’s start at home with Emily Malloy.

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The Domestic and Eucharistic Answer to the Beauty Crisis

Emily’s website 


Emily Malloy is the food and floral design editor for Her book, Theology of Home IV: Arranging the Seasons, came out in fall 2023. She and her husband live in Mississippi with their four children.

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October – the Month of the Angels and the Rosary

The Church celebrates two great devotions during the month of October – the Rosary and the Angels. We discuss it with Steve Ray.

Steve Ray leads pilgrimages to the Holy Land, Rome and other sites. He converted to Catholicism in 1994 and is the author of “Crossing the Tiber,” “Upon this Rock” and other books, including a brand-new study on the Book of Genesis. He’s the host and producer of the Footprints of God DVD series and has been to the Holy Land more than 200 times. He also writes bible studies for Catholic Scripture Study International Visit and

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