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Ave Maria in the Afternoon – October 10, 2024 – Hour 1

The Barmen Declaration of 1934 has become a .model for resistance against ideologies that compromise the Gospel. Marcus discusses its influence and Pat Flynn helps us answer God’s “Plot Holes.”


Marcus’ Monologue: Revisiting Brideshead

How does anyone maintain health of mind outside of the Church? This question is posed by British author Evelyn Waugh after his conversion to Catholicism. His faith shines through in his novel Brideshead Revisited. Marcus discusses.

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Marcus’ Monologue: Lessons from the Barmen

90 years ago, a group of Christians in Germany met to draft what is now known as the Barmen Declaration. It was a response to leaders who had introduced Nazi ideology into German protestant churches and has become a model for resistance against ideologies that compromise the Gospel. Marcus discusses its influence.

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5 Lessons Christians Can Learn from the Barmen Declaration


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God’s Plot Holes?

The atheist can have a lot of questions about God. Are all religions valid? Why is it important to worship God if God exists? Can’t you live a virtuous life without expecting a divine reward? But questions aren’t problems. Pat Flynn helps us answer them.

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God’s Plot Holes?

Pat Flynn is the author of How to Be Better at (Almost) Everything and The Best Argument for God. He is a re-converted Catholic, philosopher, writer, musician, fitness and martial arts enthusiast, and husband and father of five living in Waukesha, Wisconsin. He blogs at and hosts the Philosophy for the People podcast with Dr. Jim Madden

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