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Ave Maria in the Afternoon – August 2, 2024 – Hour 1

Is studying Theology nothing but a “Trivial Pursuit?” David Deavel joins us, and Steve Ray asks if Nicodemus was “Born Again.”


Marcus’ Monologue: Charitable Discourse: Engaging News and Issues as a Catholic

This has been a week of engaging global outcry, particularly with the Olympics. Marcus shares some thoughts on engaging difficult topics through a Catholic lens.

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Theology is not a Trivial Pursuit

Are matters such as the difference between Ascension and Assumption a simple matter of “Catholic Jeopardy,” irrelevant to evangelization? David Deavel recently saw this claim and he explains why theology is not simply a “Trivial Pursuit.”

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Theology is not a trivial pursuit


David P. Deavel the co-editor of Solzhenitsyn and American Culture: The Russian Soul in the West. He is visiting assistant professor of Catholic studies at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, and editor of LOGOS: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture.

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Was Nicodemus “Born Again?”

Today is the Feast Day of Nicodemus. This is a great story of conversion, he helped defend and bury Christ and it was to him that Jesus said, “You must be born again of water and Spirit. What does it mean to be “born again?” Why did Jesus chide him for not knowing his Bible? Why is he now considered a saint? Steve Ray joins us.

Steve Ray leads pilgrimages to the Holy Land, Rome and other sites. He converted to Catholicism in 1994 and is the author of “Crossing the Tiber,” “Upon this Rock” and other books, including a brand-new study on the Book of Genesis. He’s the host and producer of the Footprints of God DVD series and has been to the Holy Land more than 200 times. He also writes bible studies for Catholic Scripture Study International Visit and

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