Kresta in the Afternoon – February 11, 2016 – Hour 2

+  40 Bucks for Lent: Helping Persecuted Christians

  • Description: Christians in the Middle East are facing historic levels of persecution and the Knights of Columbus want to help. A new campaign called 40 Bucks for Lent will raise awareness and send aid to Christians and other minorities in Iraq and Syria. Andrew Walker tells us more.
  • Segment Guests:
    • Andrew Walker
      Andrew Walker is the Vice-President for Strategic Planning at the Knights of Columbus and has been at the center of the planning and execution of KofC’s 40 Bucks for Lent program.
    • Resources:

+  The Poverty Cure

  • Description: More than a billion people around the world live on less than $1.25 per day. Millions still die from preventable diseases like malaria and tens of millions lack the most basic needs, such as clean water and a sustainable food supply. Caring for the poor is a Biblical mandate and is social common sense. Michael Miller works to help the global poor through enterprise, trade and partnerships that will allow them to help themselves. We’ll talk with him about it today.
  • Segment Guests:
    • Michael Miller
      Michael Miller is a Research Fellow and Director of Acton Media at the Action Institute. He’s a frequent guest on radio and has been published in the Washington Times, Detroit News, LA Daily News and RealClear Politics. Michael is also the Director and Host of the PovertyCure DVD series.
    • Resources:

+  Kresta Comments: Our Lady of Lourdes

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