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A Place of Peace – July 31st, 2021: The Grand Connection

Description: Our Monthly segment, The Grand Connection looks at the new World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly through the eyes of the woman who proposed the day 12 years ago to the Vatican, Catherine Wiley. Catherine, who is founder and President of The Catholic Grandparents Association and Marilyn Henry, International Ministries Coordinator were in Rome July 26, to watch and celebrate Pope Francis launch what will be an annual event. For more information visit:

Guests: Marilyn Henry & Catherine Wiley

Marilyn Henry, left – Peggy Stanton, middle – Catherine Wiley , right. Between the three women they have 25 grandchildren

Resource: …..The mission of the Catholic Grandparents Association is to help Grandparents pass on the faith and keep prayer in the heart of family life

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