A Place of Peace – November 6, 2021: Computer Geek on his way to Sainthood!
Here is a photo of Carlo Acutis

Description: The amazing story of Italian teenager, Carlo Acutis, as told by Michael Lichens, editor of Catholic Exchange. For more information visit A Millennial in Paradise | Sophia Institute Press To see Carlo’s website on Eucharistic Miracles, go to: MIRACOLI EUCARISTICI – Mostra Internazionale Ideata e Realizzata da Carlo Acutis e Nicola Gori
Guests: Michael Lichens

Michael J. Lichens is the Editor of Catholic Exchange. When he’s not revising and editing, he is often found studying and writing about GK Chesterton, Religion and Literature, or random points of local history. He holds an A.M. from the University of Chicago Divinity School and a BA from The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts.